Some updates and new photo series on my WORLDTRAVELER page. In may ‘ 15 we have been for a few days in France: Romans-sur-Isère and the Vercors National Park. Some impressions here: Furthermore in September we have been in Eno/ Finland and the Patvinsuo Nationalpark.    


In June 2014, we have visited the island of Madeira / Portugal in the middle of the atlantic ocean. This place is really unique: The little island of about 20x50km contains a bunch of interesting sights which are offering great scenes for photographers. Let’s start with some street scenes of a small village in the mountains taken during their cherry festival. You will see, that it is not only about those fruits:


      Are they going to review those photos ever? Do you want to know what type of photos they are taking – see here For me amazing is the new way of taking the shots. In the past the view through the ocular, then next the view on the little, tiny display of the pocket cameras…. and today the look to thew tablet as you can see above.

Cudgel – Keule

First of all – in order to avoid to be  categorized on to the coner of “inadequate-” or “violence-” content (dependent on your personal preferences) – this is simply a touristical snap shot on a public place in Florence / Italy … !!! The city of Florence is full of that stuff – maybe that’s  why so many tourists are flooding this place.