Tourism kills the city – Barcelona -Exhibition

Der Münchner Hobbyfotograf Christian Schweikert stellt in der GOOD TRANSFER Galerie in der Clemensstr.61 , 80303 München (0176-21210950) sein neues Fotoprojekt “Barcelona – Tourism kills the city” vor. Seine Streifzüge  durch die katalanische Metropole folgen dabei nicht den üblichen touristischen Pfaden. Den Besuch in Barcelona hat er in ungewöhnlichen Bildern festgehalten.  Diese Fotoausstellung arbeitet Auswirkungen des Massentourismus künstlerisch und mit einem Augenzwinkern auf. Seine Fotostreifzüge versuchen die Auswirkungen allgegenwärtiger Touristenmassen in eine Bildsprache zu übersetzen. Warum hat er dieses Thema aufgegriffen? Hier hilft ein Blick in die Statistiken vom Amt für Tourismus: Bevölkerung Barcelona Innenstadt in 2016: 1.6Mio Einwohner versus 12.6 Mio Touristen mit 35 Mio Übernachtungen. Anstieg der Besucher …


Some days ago, I read an article in SPIGEL ONLINE about a little village on the island Sardena /Italy called ORGOSOLO. It is about the mafia and the local culture there. I have visited the place some years ago w/o knowing the mafia-background. What I found there were the outstanding graffiti – I’d better call the ‘murales’ as the mexiacans name their monumental wall-paitnings. Here a (bit strange formated) set of photos, I took on that topic


There is a exciting project beeing prepared right now an launched by 2016 March, 1st at 3:30pm Finland time and Kauppahalli in Joensuu/ Finland: Photos: WINDOWS TO THE WOLRD Project: WttW at Kauppahalli It’s an Photo, + Music- Arts – Embedded Electronics – Learning- Gaming Project in cooperation between:   Ubium (Project owener, Joensuu/ Finland) Sie-expressions (Graphic Design, Munich/ Germany) DINGS (Electronics, Munich/ Germany) D40OOM (Photos, Munich / Germany) Cassisb (Music, New York/ USA)  City of Joensuu / Finland Fear4Electronics Kuvanmaailma Joenkilpituote  

New LE4EL Project comming up: KULTF4BRIK (w.update)

As you might know, our photo-arts goup LE4EL observes and documents processes at placed from four different angles. Here is comming up now a opportunity: KULTF4BRIK in Munich – This multi-dimensional with location discotheques, bars, startups, studios, workshops, etc will be demolished in the next years to build – as usual in Munich – offices and exclusive appartements. We’re taking the chance to show in our project the exciding location as it is still present and furthermore observe the destruction. Here a first impression: