PERSPECTIVITY with LE4EL @ off-munich

Three weeks ago, we – LE4EL – have joined the off-munich experimental open arts festival in the Säulenhalle Munich. We had contributed with the project PERSPECTIVITY. Have a look to the comprehensive works of the LE4EL team On my FLICKR / FLICKR [C] accounts, I’m publishing continously further works from the festival, which havn’t found their way to the project page.

ABANDONED places tour ’15 – THE HOTEL

This is the first post of a series about the latest ABANDONED places tour ’15 we did through the easter weekend. The 4-days tour was through the Jura souabe (Schwäbische Alb), Black Forest (Schwarzwald) in the south of germany and the Alsace (Elsass) in the south-east of France. We took photos from during laylight from 7 to 7, so it was again a really hard tour with a few sleep and some small injuries climbing over fences etc… Here now the first series of THE HOTEL:   This is the first B/W series of the kitchen and the sallar: This photos made it on FLICKR into the ‘explore’ and got …